Here you find some info about the different options and possibilities of your smart scale. Check it out!
To start the scale, just power it and take a device with Bluetooth (and a web-browser)! Check if there are new firmware-updates first.
The scale does not have any battery, display or buttons at all! All you will find is a USB-C plug. Simply connect the scale by USB-C-Cable directly with your mobile phone to power it - or use any standard USB-C charger/wall-plug, your computers USB-port or even a small mobile power-bank! If you plug your scale, it will switch on automatically! There is no automatic power-off, the scale will stay online as long as its plugged! By the way: The cable is only used for the energy supply, but not to transfer any data! Just plug the scale to a power-bank or wall-plug and you can move around freely with your mobile phone / display.
The UP↑SCALE PWA - which is a simple HTML-page - will run on all mobile phones (Android, iPhone, Windows etc.) as like as on notebooks or desktop computers. There is no App-download and installation, no registration and not even a internet-connection needed to use the scale. (Well, on Apple devices you need an extra app to use our PWA!) All data will stay local and private! Neither the scale nor the app will send any data to us and nothing will get tracked or stored from us at all! Not even cookies! There is no cloud, there are no subscriptions and nothing from us needed to run the scale! Like that it will still work in 50 years, even without us! Just go sure you've downloaded your PWA once ;-)
The exact requirements and links to download the App you can find here, at our extra info- and troubleshooting page.
This scale will get regular firmware updates to enhance its functions and to add extra modes and options! You can check for updates within the scale app by self - and if you are using the (always updated) online UP↑SCALE PWA, then you also will get a notification if there is a new firmware available! To update the scale, just connect it by USB-C to a computer or notebook, open our update-website and click a button! It could not be more easy!
This scale is operate-able with plenty of weighing units and in different languages! Calibration is fast and simple! Also it will allow you to operate it with multiple displays and devices at the same time, it even can be connected with your home automation systems or other devices! All the settings can be saved directly on the scale (on the SCALE ⚙ SETTINGS page) and will be loaded automatically to every device connected!
This scale is able to weigh in Gram as like as in many other units. Ounces or Pounds? No problem! We even can weigh in Eights! (No joke!) But also you can find all the other more or less common or useful units, like Carats, Troy Ounces or - for our American friends - Giraffes per Footballfield.
And by the way, its also possible to weigh directly in volume, such as Milliliter or Cups, regardless of the scales weight unit!
At the moment the scale software is available in English and in German. A Spanish and French version will follow soon - and many more a bit later! You can change the language on the fly, or save your preferred language on the scale at the settings page.
Its generally not a bad idea to re-calibrate the scale from time to time, specially after not using it for a long time or if you travel with it... Our inbuilt calibration program will make things easy for you.
Single-Point: You just need to have known weight ready to hand - then click the button at the settings page and follow the instructions! For a single-point-calibration, ideally use a weight which is min. a third of the range of the scale!
Multi-Interval / Multi-Range: Optionally its possible to calibrate the scale with multiple weights! This option will make the scale even more exact over its full range! You can use a 2-point-calibration or even a 3-point calibration which makes your scale a real multi-interval-scale (Well, we're always showing the smallest, best possible interval - but with a higher precision then, based on the current gross weight). In this case you will need a separate known weight for each calibration-step, but no worries, our calibration wizard will guide you through that!
PS: Your scale will come pre-calibrated with 3 different calibration points from the factory!
You have the option to allow (or disallow) the connection to the scale for multiple devices! This can be very useful if several persons are using the same scale at the same time - but could course trouble in public environments, so you can decide when you need it. Also there is a Weight-For-Everybody function. If this option is on, then the current weight or count on the scale will be continuously send via the public manufacturer data of the scale and can be read from every device nearby - without any prior connection to the scale! (Same like the find-me or iBeacon devices). Beside of that you will find multiple options to transmit data and receive commands via USB and WiFi (ESP-NOW)!
You are able to control all the sensor- and averaging settings which are controlling how fast and exact the weight will be shown. You can keep all settings at automatic, but sometimes you maybe want to change something, for example to stabilize the weight better if you are in a windy environment. Click here to read more about this expert-scale-settings.
If you connect with your scale, it will identify with a number (like #45678). This number was randomly generated at the first start of the scale and is only stored there, we do not know (or store) it at all. If you don't like your number, or if you want to change it for any reason, select the checkbox at the settings page and a new number will be generated for you!
After you are connected with the scale, you will land directly in the normal, simple weighing mode! Here you already have a lots of additional options - but you also can choose between different scale modes in the menu! Each of them is specially made for different use-cases and includes a variety of different sub-modes and options!
This is the standard scale mode and your starting point if you open the scale App. If you want to weight things - here you go! Additionally you have the following options:
If you have many small things of the same weight, like screws, bags or whatever, and if you want to know how many without counting every single one manually - here you go. In the counting mode you are able to:
Use one of the checkweighing modes if you want to control if the weight of things you are adding (or removing!) from the scale is within a given range. There are 5 different checkweigh- and checkcount modes included!
This mode allows you to fill pre-defined molds with multiple cavities step by step, just like on a conveyor belt. Perfect if you need to fill up many cavities/bags with always the same amount of something. Click for more info:
There is no extra fillweighing-mode, but we have different fillweighing options included in the other modes. All this options will show you a percentage-bar as indication for the right weight - with an extra scale for the last 10% - to allow exact filling even with bigger amounts!
Well, this is a scale - so you can weigh things! Use the tare-button to - well - tare the scale, as example with a container on it.
In the counting-mode you can count things. At first you will tell the scale how much each single thing is weighing. This you can do by direct input of the weight - or you can checkweigh a known amount of things to get the average weight of them first. After that the scale will show you the amount of things on the scale, as like as the total- and the average weight.
If you switch on the Takeaway Mode, then the scale will remember how much is on the scale and weigh how much you are taking from it instead of what you are adding. Place a full container/bowl on the scale, hit the button and just count how much you get out from it!
You can show the flow per second (and for the last minute) with a hit on the "SHOW 📊 FLOW" button in the normal weighing mode. The Flow-rate will be shown in grams per second - or, if you have an active conversion to milliliters shown on the scale - in milliliters per second.
You are also able to record the flow for a given time with a click on the Record/Stop (⏺) button. This will show you the weight added to the scale within that period and calculate the flow per second for that time. After you stopped recording, the results will be printed to the log.
This option is useful to check how fast a pump is running or how fast - for example - your coffeemaker is extracting. Or just watch how things are flowing - the flow-rate also will be shown as a live bar-graph for the last 60 seconds to give you a visualization of the process.
If you hit the "📖"-Button in weighing- or counting mode, the current weight will be added to the log-file! After you have removed the logged goods, the scale will tare automatically and is ready for the next weighing. (In the Takeaway Mode the scale will jump to 0 automatically and also will show you how much is still left on the scale or in your container!)
Optionally you can add a name for your weighed product before you sum up, in that case it will be overtaken to the log-file to make it better readable later. And not to forget: Also all units/conversions will be logged and summed up by that way, too! Like that you will get not only an overview about what you have weighed, you also will see how much was the costs, ingredients or nutrition values for each of the weightings - and altogether - for your food- or drink logs even with 🚥 Traffic Light Rating, to show you how healthy your mix got! This log you simply can copy and save it locally, for example to keep track about your recipes or to share them with your friends!
To reset/delete the current log-file, simply press the red-cross-button on the right side. All counts will be set to zero and you can start new!
You can add an unlimited amount of units to the screen. This units will be updated live together with the weight and will be also included in the log-files. You can choose between many preset units - but also add your own, customized ones easily. Here an overview about the different units:
Conversion Units can be added in counting- and weighing mode and can be simply a price per weigh-unit, or the calories of a food product or the amount in milliliters/cups if you are weighing something liquid. Once defined (for example as 4.20 EUR per Gram) this units will be shown on the scale and updated with the weight on it (at 100g == 420.00 EUR, to stay with the example.) You also can setup goals for fill-weighing based on that amounts now! Like this you can automatically calculate, show and track different units additional to the weight live on the scale, show the volume of something or subtract a container weight!
You can add an unlimited amount of units to the scale at the same time! Additionally you are able to save this once defined units together with a name as a THING on the scale in order to reload them with a click later! Like that you can add your custom products, foods or containers easily!
To add a price and to show it live with the weight, simply select one of the currencies from the selection and add the price per gram (or per piece in the counting modes). After a click on the button, the price will be shown on top below the weight and update automatically with every weight change. You also can choose just "🪙" or "💰" instead of $ or or EUR. And for sure you can add multiple currencies at the same time. Like that you can show your price in Dollars, Euros and maybe in Bitcoin at the same time - just as you prefer!
Sometimes you want to show or keep track the amount of something. For example Magnesium in milligrams - even if you run the scale with ounces. With this option you can add the metric amount and the name of the ingredient to show its absolute amount on top below the weight. This is specially interesting for producers of infused edibles who like to mention/track/indicate the exact amount of THC or CBD in milligrams contained in the weighed product on top of the scale.
If you want to measure 100ml of Milk, Honey, Alcohol or Coconut-Oil - or if you would need the weight of your flour, nuts or sugar measured in Cups, Table- or Teaspoons... Then you normally first would need to know the density of the particular liquid and then calculate the weight in grams or ounces manually for every weighing. Well, with google and your calculator - but still... what a mess...
With an UP↑SCALE you simply select a liquid or food-product from the integrated database with the most common kitchen- and laboratory products, or from the additional database with 8000+ food products. Or add an own value here, if your products density is not listed until now, no problem at all. (in g/ml or ml/g) Save everything as a THING on the scale then, and you can re-use it later with one click!
Either way: One click, and the equivalent amount in milliliters, spoons or cups will be shown live with the weight! That's it - no guessing or messing around with measuring cups - you can just weight and log directly in volume now!
You want to weight 2.5 US Cups of corn flour? Simply select it from the database, choose US Cups, and hit the button. The flours specific weight - in this case 0.62 g/ml - will be overtaken from the database automatically and you will see the amount of flour in US Cups live at the scale. Additionally you could now add a weighing goal for the US Cups, in our case 2.5 - and the scale will not only tell you how much you need to weight (372g) - but also will show you a percent-weighing-bar! This indicate the amount you have on the scale in a percentage of your goal - easy to fill 97... 98... 99... 100 percent then!
The percent-weighing-option enables you to define whats 100% - and for the next weightings you will see the percentage of that below your current weight. This is practical for many uses and specially for bakers a great option! The so-called "baker's percentage" is a dough formula wherein the total weight of the flour represents 100%, and the weight of all other ingredients is calculated as a percentage of that total. With our scale you not need to do any calculations if you want to follow recipes in bakers percentage - you just add your amount of flour as 100% reference weight - and all the rest works automatically! Just weigh your other ingredients step by step without any extra calculations - and as a plus it will log each step, including all added extra units and conversions, like calories or carbohydrates for example. No place for mistakes - and more time for cake!
Also this option is very useful for fill-weighing because the percentage will be shown in a live-bar, with an extra scale for the last 10% to allow exact filling even at bigger amounts! And last but not least: You also can do percent-weighing based on a goal of an additional unit instead of the weight! For that check out the Fill-Weighing-Goals option!
Maybe you are on a diet - or you just want to know how many calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fat, saturated fat, sugar and/or salt (sodium) is in the stuff you are eating every day - or in the recipe you are just mixing? Here you go! By the way: The nutrition values of your different weightings of different foods can be simply logged and summed together with the summing- and logging-function then - and our Traffic Light Rating system will show you how healthy your recipe is in that case! Additionally you have a couple of options how to select, insert, save or output this values, check this out:
Simply use the search-option to select one of more then 8000 food products with their most important nutrition values from our inbuilt database! With one click you can overtake all nutrition values and the name of the product to the scale - it could not be more simple!
Its very easy and fast to add own food products with custom values to the scale! You simply can add one (or more) of the nutrition values directly live to the scale - but you also can add all the info for your most used food products easily, add a custom name, and save them as a THING on the scale. Next time you can load it directly from there with a click!
Carbohydrates can be counted also as Bread Units (1 BU = 12g carbohydrate) or as Carbohydrate Units (1 CU = 10g carbohydrate). People with diabetes often use CU or BU instead of gram to calculate their insulin doses. If you have Carbohydrates on the display of this scale, you will be able to show them directly in CU or BU, and also the logging/summing will include the amount of that selected unit later! Like this you see live how many Carbohydrate-Units you have on the scale at the moment - and altogether in the pot! No calculations needed any more - even if you weigh in Ounces!
If you log your weightings with nutrition value units - like fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt (sodium) - then you will find an indication for the "healthiness" of your composition. We are using the common food traffic light system to show you if the values are 🔴 high, 🟠 medium or 🟢 low and how much of the ingredients you got per 100g (or milliliter).
You want to add a price in a strange currency which we do not have in our list? Or maybe you like to show the percentage of love, included in every ounce of your product? Or the amount of single Raisins in a piece of cake? No problem at all! You can add a own unit, a name for it and the amount - and for sure - you can add as many units you want! Btw. The amount can be added:
Here you can subtract a know weight. For example: If your container, bowl, bag or jar is already filled with your weighing goods and you don't like to refill everything to tare the scale with the empty container. Here you simply can subtract the weight of your container from the total weight on the scale.
Tip: Best to add your most used kitchen containers/bowls once with this option and save them as a THING to the scale. Then you are able to reload them later with only one click and you don't have to remember their weights any more!
Extra-Tip: You can add your storage tupperware/containers for your different foods/ingredients as a THING including all additional units like prices, nutrition values etc. Like that you simply can load a product, together with your units and its container-weight with just one click. Just take the tupper from the kitchen cabinet, place it on the scale and see how much is left in there!
If you use the Takeaway Mode now, you simply can weigh, count and log what you are taking from the container - without the need to remember or calculate anything!
If you add a unit to the screen, for example 3.57$ per gram, then you maybe want to know how much would be the weight for 420.00$ now - for example to fill a bottle exactly with that amount.
You can add a goal for any active unit if you click on the "🥅"-Button (top-right of the amount of an active Unit). Simply add your desired amount of that unit there (in our example 420 $) and click the button. Now a percent-weighing option will be shown at the page and you can see a nice live percent-bar which will indicate the amount in proportion to your goal! This is also very useful for manual fill-weighing by the way...
You can save THINGS on the scale, to re-load them from there later.
With THINGS you can save your containers/bowls to remember their weight for later. Or add just a name and a price. But you can also save your storage tuppers/jars of food or weed, including their nutrition values and ingredients to check later how much you have without taring/unfilling/refilling everything first. (And to weigh directly out of that containers with the Takeaway Mode then). Or just save your common kitchen foods including their nutrition values like calories, proteins etc., to reload them later fastly! The options are endless!
A THING need a (unique) name, which you can enter on the page - and also at least one conversion/unit, like a price, nutrition value or a container weight. Then you just hit the ➕ ADD button to save it permanently on the scale. Now you are able to load this THING at any time to any mobile/device, just click the ⚖ LOAD button and select the THING from the list.
You can save up to 1000 THINGS on the scale, each THING with a maximum of 20 Conversions/Units!
The factory-mode allows you to fill molds step by step with always the same amount of filling while counting, taring and logging everything automatically for you!
You can define your molds with the amount of cavities, the amount of filling for each cavity as like as a range for over- and under-filling. Then the scale will ask you to add/remove molds and it will tell you how much to fill in each cavity. It will overtake the weight and tare automatically if a filling is in the perfect range - or it will wait for an OK of you to proceed. Also an OK range can be defined, in that range the scale will indicate that you are close - but you have to click a button to declare it as perfect. If you wish you also can switch on sound-effects which will indicate if you are close or perfect - and also you can adjust the auto-overtake time live in the program. The program will tell you also how much over- or under-filling you have in each cavity, how many molds and cavities you have filled altogether - and the averages for everything, as like as the total amount filled in altogether!
Setup your molds with the
If you add a new mold to the system, it will be saved temporary and can be selected again as long as you do not restart the scale. Same for deleting the molds - the changes will be only temporary as long as you not save your mold-list permanently! SAVE YOUR MOLDS: To save your molds permanently, you need to hit the "SAVE YOUR MOLDS" button once! Now all molds from the list will be available also after a restart of the scale or the app!
Within the program we will show you live statistics and info about the amount of already filled molds and cavities as like as the average amount of filling for each cavity and mold. Like that you get a nice overview of how exact you was working at the end, as like as a sum of all used product, milligrams etc...
Here you can check if things have the right weight or amount - or you can use this modes to weigh what you get off from the scale instead of what you put on! (for example to fill bags without the need to weigh each single one every single time.) The checkweighing-programs will indicate if the amount is perfect (or in an optional OK-range) with colors and - if you like - with a sound. A percent-bar also will show how close you are - very useful if you are using this option for a manual fill-weighing! Also the scale will tare, count and log for you automatically in the checkweighing modes!
Simple checkweighing. Add things to the scale, and it will show you if its (and how much) too much or too less. Then you can remove the things again manually.
Compare the weighing item with specified limit values. (the target weight and optionally a range for OK and PERFECT). If this limits are exceeded or undershot, it will be highlighted and shown on the display. Positive checkweighing determines whether the weight of the added material is within the target range. Similarly, negative checkweighing checks the weight of the removed material.
In check counting, it is not the weight but the number of pieces that is compared with limit values. You can add the amount of pieces as like as the weight for one of it - and the scale will do the rest! For sure we will show you not only the difference in percent, but also in pieces and as weight!
Auto-Overtake: Perfect weights can be overtaken/counted automatically after a given amount of time or with a click on the button.
Counting / Averaging: If counted per button or automatic option, a total weight as like as the average amounts of everything will be shown automatically!
This scale can send data and receive commands via USB, BLE and WiFi to ensure connectivity to old and new software as like as to own programs and microcomputers! All this options you can switch on/off and setup in your App, at the SCALE ⚙ SETTINGS page in the USB, BLE & WiFi Stuff section. Here some more detailed info about the possibilities and data formats for...
You can control the scale from your mobile/computer via BLE with your app. Normally its only allowed to be connected with one Device at the same time, but you also can use multiple devices at the same time if you need so! Switch on the Multiple masters option to do so, but take care in public with that!
If this option is on, the scale will send weight data continuously to everybody! This is working like a FindMe Device, the data will be packed in the public readable manufacturer data part where it can get read out from everybody nearby! This can be super-useful if you want to read out this data from multiple devices without connecting/pairing first! This will allow some additional options, like showing the weight of multiple scales together at the same time (use the Scan-For-Scales-Button on the scale apps start page to try it out!)- or you could read it out with your smart-watch or integrate it into your home automation systems on that way! The data by self will be transmitted as ASCII in HEX - check out all info about the exact format below!
We've prepared a small and simple example "sketch" for Arduino. This will scan for scales around you and show the live weight on it - without being connected/paired to a scale first! Check this out to learn how to scan for the scales and how to read in and use the weight data. Click here for the ARDUINO BLE WEIGHT MONITOR, copy, paste and there you go :)
PS.: If you also want to get more (or faster) data, and if you also want to be able to send commands to the scale, check out the WiFi/ESP-NOW options for ESP Microcomputers instead!
Same is working via Web-Bluetooth directly in a Web-Browser! We've prepared an example just with html and javascript which is reading out - and summing up - all scales around you! Click here to check it out (and to test it live and direct). Just copy the code from there and build something own on it :)
If you switch on the USB SERIAL OUTPUT at your scale settings, then you are able to send live data from the scale via the USB port - and also to receive commands (like TARE) via USB! For the USB output you have several different options:
We are sending with: 115200 Bits/s; 8 Data Bits; NO PARITY; ONE STOP BIT
In this 2 modes, the data will be delivered as ASCII in HEX! This is for the old-school computers and scale software, check out the EXTENDED++ Mode for outputs as readable data for modern data-loggers etc.!
In bidirectional command mode (ON REQUEST), the weight can be immediately retrieved by sending the command "Q" followed by Carriage Return and Line Feed to the scale. The next stable weight can be requested with "S" and will be received once after stabilization in this case. If you send "T" you can tare the scale.
Nr.: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | ||
ASCII: | Q | CR | LF | S | CR | LF | T | CR | LF | ||
Hex: | 51 | OD | 0A | 53 | OD | 0A | 54 | OD | 0A |
We are using an easy read- and parse-able standard format. If your scale software already have scales to pre-select included - just try with a standard A&D Scale first - maybe its working out of the box. Otherwise check out the following info about the incoming data:
* The Scale always sends 17 bytes for every measurement. This are ASCII characters as HEX in the following format:
Nr.: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
ASCII: | U | S | , | - | 0 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 5 | . | 9 | 8 | g | CR | LF | ||
Hex: | 55 | 53 | 2C | 2D | 30 | 30 | 34 | 32 | 35 | 2E | 39 | 38 | 20 | 20 | 67 | 0D | 0A |
The first 2 characters are the header
1 | 2 | |
S | T | Stable Weight (Weighing Mode) |
U | S | Unstable Weight (Weighing Mode) |
S | Q | Stable Quantity (Counting Mode) |
U | Q | Unstable Quantity (Counting Mode) |
The header is separated from the measured value by a comma.
The measured value consists of 9 characters and always begins with a sign (+/-; + is used for a value of zero). The measured value is transmitted right-aligned, unused positions are filled with zeros. The decimal separator is a point by default.
After the measured value, 3 characters for the unit are transmitted. Also right-aligned, with spaces for unused characters.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | |
S | T | , | + | 0 | 0 | 2 | 3 | . | 4 | 2 | 0 | o | z | CR | LF | 23.420 oz (stable) | |
S | Q | , | + | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 0 | P | C | CR | LF | 420 pcs (counting mode, stable) |
We've also prepared some code examples for html/javascript and Arduino which will read in this data wireless! Use this scripts to see how to receive and process this data via BLE!
This mode will blast out weight data 40 times each second via the USB Serial Port (1 line each 25 milliseconds)!
Its possible to select between- and show up to 7 different weight-data-points from the scale at the same time, starting from the raw sensor data, via the unfiltered and filtered averages, up to the final weight on the display! (Also a raw gross weight is available!). Additionally/Optionally you can add a 3-line-summery every second about the amount of grabbed data-points within the last second, including their deviations! Otherwise just leave this untouched.
Use this mode to connect to data-loggers etc. to output the weight as live graph or so, or to monitor the scale with a serial monitor - for example to fine-tune it with the extended scale settings. Or, if you want, build your own software with our scale! Btw.: This data will NOT come as HEX, like the simple output, but directly as human-readable ASCII text!
You are able to connect up to 5 WiFi devices via ESP-NOW. This standard will transmit data by WiFi, but without the need of internet, a rooter or any passwords or logins! Just add the MAC-Address of the peripheral to the scale once, and everything is working as soon both devices are powered! It could not be more simple!
To connect ESP-NOW devices, which could be our peripherals or your own microcomputers, simply switch on the WiFi-Options at your scale settings page. Select a send interval and the WiFi channel, add at least one MAC address - and ready you are! Check out the following example code if you want to program your own device!
If you like to create your own device based on an ESP32 or ESP8266 microcomputer, you're welcome! Receive live data from the scale and simply show it on a display - and/or transmit it to some other devices, monitors, relays, home-automation-systems or to your website! Here you can find a small example sketch, the [UP↑SCALE MasterBlaster], made for an ESP32 at the Arduino IDE. This small script receives live data and will send commands on button clicks. Check out how (and what kind of) data is incoming from the scale, and how simple it is, to send commands back. Use this as inspiration and example/base for your own programs :)
If there are no connected devices around you (any more), then the WiFi module of your scale will automatically shut down to save energy. In that case you would need to restart the scale to start transmitting WiFi data again (just unplug and plug the scale once). You can set up this standby/shutdown time by self (standard is 5 minutes) or you can switch to "Always ON", if you don't care at all!
Weighing things is not as easy as it maybe looks ;-) Measuring weight digitally in real life is quite interesting actually, if you break it down. To explain it fastly, our digital scales is made from 3 main components, a Microcomputer, a analog-to-digital converter and a so-called load-cell. Inside the load cell - which is this is a transducer whose function in the scale is to convert the force exerted by the object of measurement into an electrical signal - is a set of strain gauges arranged like the resistors in a Wheatstone bridge. When a load is placed on these strain gauges, they compress. This compression changes the resistance of the gauge, just like in a Wheatstone bridge. Now there will be a voltage output corresponding to the change from the stressed gauges - which we will transform to a digital signal, with the help of a Sigma-Delta analog to digital converter, to be exact. This digital signal we can use now to calculate the weight.
But - and here it gets complicated - there are many variables! There is nothing like an absolute and always same weight of a thing, it depends how, how long and where you are weighing it, how the conditions are around, if the thing is maybe moving and and and... Because of that there are many variables in the background which define how the weight will be read from the sensor, how the data will get stabilized and displayed, when the weight is getting "stable", what you define as stable weight, and so on and so on... The output at the end should not jump around too much, should be reliable and repeatable - but also need to be shown as fast as possible. While normal scales do everything automatic for you, and normally need to find some kind of compromise, professional scales will let you adjust some-, and our scale will let adjust you all of this settings! Maybe you want your scale faster reacting for filling things - or you need a long average weighing time because you need to weight some moving animals or maybe you need the scale a bit less reactive because you are working outside or people are bumping on your table all the time! With our scale this is no problem at all, you can adjust every single variable - or just leave it in the automatic mode!
This Settings you will find within your scale-app, at the Scale-Settings page. Here you can define how fast the sensor should be, how it will calculate the averages, how long it will take to define the weight as stable and if you want to ignore, for example, small bumps on the display - and how big they can be.